Advent & Christmas Schedule


Christmas Poinsettias
If you would like to make a donation for the Christmas poinsettias, please sign up by December 18th in the parish hall or email the church office. We suggest a donation of $10 for each poinsettia while any size donation is welcome. 
Episcopal Relief and Development
In previous years St. Mark’s has participated in the Episcopal Relief and Development fund titled 1000 Days of Love.  That particular program no longer exists, but ERD has many areas of focus that as members of St. Mark’s we can donate to during this Christmas season.  ERD was first established in 1940 as the President Bishop’s Fund for World Relief.  ERD strives to facilitate heathier, more fulfilling lives in communities struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease.  Their website will allow you to make a donation to many different funds including a Middle East Fund, Crisis Response and Gifts for Life which allows you to purchase a goat, a pig, a cow, help finance mons and newborns, support clean water options and many other programs.  The link below will take you to the ERD homepage where you are make a donation to a program of your choice.  Once you have made a donation to ERD, please contact Kim Hart in the church office and she will add your name to the list in the Christmas bulletin as one who has made a donation to ERD.  Kimberly will need to have all names by December 18.

Advent Activities

Welcome Our New Priest
Hanging of the Greens & Decorating Chrismon Tree

Sunday, December 3 at 11:00 AM
Join us in welcoming Rev. Jeremy, Lauren and Jonah while we decorate the church and the Chrismon tree. Come help with the Hanging of the Greens, decorate the Chrismon tree while welcoming Rev. Jeremy and his family!  This year, we will decorate the sanctuary on December 3, after the 10:00 am service. We will climb on ladders and fluff the bows! Join us for mulled wine, hot chocolate, gingerbread, pizza and don't forget to wear your Christmas shirt as we bring in the Christmas season while welcoming Rev. Jeremy, Lauren & Jonah.

Saturday, December 9 at 10:00 AM
Calling all church women……St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Women (ECW) is inviting you to a Christmas brunch and gift exchange on December 9, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. in the church parish hall.  As always, we will be doing the gift exchange so be sure to bring a wrapped Christmas gift of not more than $20.  In addition, this year we are asking that you also bring non-perishable items to be donated to Helping Hands. 
A honey-baked ham will be provided but we ask that you bring a potluck side dish or dessert of your choice. Prepare yourself to enjoy a morning of Faith, Fellowship, Friends and Food.

Sunday, December 10 at 9:00 am
The holiday spirit is all about giving. What better way to spread some cheer than by giving back? It can be a small gesture like making Christmas cards. Being away from home during the holidays is tough but getting a little Christmas cheer can have a big impact.  During the 9:00 Christian Formation hour, join us to bring in the Christmas season by decorating cards for the retirement community.  You don’t want to miss the chance to help spread Christmas cheer this year!

Sunday, December 17 at 9:00 AM
We will have Cookie Decorating to bring in the Christmas season!  Sprinkles, frosting anything sweet, hope you can make it, we’ll save you a seat! All ages are invited to participate in this yummy event. Please join us for an occasion to enjoy fellowship and anticipate the festivities of Christmas.
Sunday, December 24 
Holy Eucharist Rite II
Christmas Eve Concert: Dominique McCormick
Our Christmas Eve service will be a traditional service at 4:00pm, including liturgy, music, and candles that kindle our joy for this most special occasion.  A Christmas Eve Concert will follow our service with Dominique McCormick. A reception will follow.

Monday, December 25
Holy Eucharist Rite II

First Sunday after Christmas
Sunday, December 31
Holy Eucharist Rite II
