Worship Ministries

 Worship Ministries
The Ministries of St. Mark's Church are many and varied with different groups of people interested in contributing to the operation of the parish.  Here is a short list of the many ministries at St. Mark's:
  • Choir
  • Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) - assist the clergy by administering Eucharist at various church services.
  • Lay Readers - read the lessons, Psalms, and prayers of the people during worship.                     
  • Altar Guild - prepares the church for all worship services cares for our altar, our fine linens, and the flowers in preparation for all services. Individuals work in teams and serve one week per month. Teams meet once a week (during their service week) to set up the altar for the Sunday services.
  • Ushers & Greeters - share hospitality to visitors and parishioners every Sunday morning.  Responsibilities include greeting all who enter the church, distributing service bulletins and collecting the offering. In addition, ushers assist those with special needs, help ensure that seating is available for all in attendance, and check that the church has a clean appearance after the service.
  • Sacrament Presenter - We have a custom at St. Mark’s of scheduling a couple of persons to be sacrament presenters  on a Sunday.  As sacrament presenters, the two persons bring the elements of bread and wine to the altar during the offertory.
  • Acolytes/Chalice Bearer - Adult and children assist in various ways during worship.      
    • Crucifer the minister who carries the cross at the properly appointed times and assists the celebrant in setting the table at the Eucharist. In our parish, the crucifer also bears the first chalice during the time of communion.
    • Torchbearer the minister who lights the candles before the service, carries the torches at the properly appointed times and extinguishes the candles after the service.
    • Gospel Bearer the minister who carries the gospel book at the properly appointed times. In our parish, the gospel bearer also bears the second chalice during the time of communion.